Fees and Payment Timing :

Purchased items are stored at our warehouse.
Once the item arrives at the warehouse, you can apply for package consolidation and/or protective packaging.
Shipping fees (domestic ) are calculated based on the package's actual size/weight.

Payment timing :

Product fee related (1st time)Please pay when , substitute purchase request.

  • 1. Commodity price (including tax)

    We will charge a consumption tax as necessary.

  • 2. Purchase fee

    It is a support of the Beauty and Thread staff regarding successful purchasing of goods, Domestic shipping.

  • 1. Domestic shipping fee

    This is the fee that occurs when items are shipped from the seller/store to the Beauty and Thread warehouse in Japan.

  • Domestic shipping fees change depending on the package's weight/size, where the package is being sent from, and the shipping methods. However, prices generally range from 150 ~ 1,500 yen

  • In principle, we require to use trackable shipping methods to prevent packages from missing during transportation. If the provided shipping methods on the /product pages do not come with tracking information, we may ask the to use another shipping method that can be tracked. Therefore, domestic shipping fees may occur due to a change of shipping method, even though "Free shipping" might be stated on the product page.

  • In order to handle your packages properly, we process each order respectively, even if multiple orders are purchased through the same store. Because of this, there will be separate domestic shipment fees for each order.